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The Rózsaszín Essence

- The Pink Energy -

About the ingredients

The pure energy of the Mandorla Essences is based on the perfect pureness and loving care for the ingredients. We do not use synthetic additives, parabens or genetically modified plants. Most of the ingredients have BIO qualification. 100% natural ingredients include:

  • Frankincense
  • Rosa
  • Cupressaceae
  • etc.

Theme of the Essence

This is the everywhere present, connecting and trans energy of love. The unconditional love. As long as we do not see things through love, we cannot really accept it. The importance lies behind seeing the truth instead of what we think of it. Love reforms everything.
We must be able to continuously find new perspectives in relation to everything and everyone. Do not encumber it what is no longer there; what has already passed away. We are not the same; change is continuous.
Openness, new perspectives. Reality, actuality.
The Empress of colours who support us with love no matter which flied of energy we are working on. It relates to initiation where we can find our own inner strength, personality, reality. It can help us when we are working with the inner child. We can use it when we need tenderness, softness, and love and understanding towards ourselves. Its scent is the Essence of Love which binds every energy centre together. It offers support if we do not experience change during the work with ourselves or if the process is deemed too hard. It can bring forgotten, oppressed aggression to the surface hence cleaning out the space for embracing love. It can help us to face our preconceptions, the feeling of shame, and easing this feeling inside us.
Every time in life when we feel that we are imprisoned inside of our labyrinth, Rózsaszín Essence can help us find the way out. We can have a clearer overview where we are at right now with the question of love and how we find the way towards peace and forgiveness.
Strengthening sentence:
"Love is always present and everywhere present in my life. I am an inseparable part of it. I am one with the Root of love. I am Love itself.”

The Rózsavér Essence Oil

- The Pink Energy -

About the ingredients

The pure energy of the Mandorla Essences is based on the perfect pureness and loving care for the ingredients. We do not use synthetic additives, parabens or genetically modified plants. Most of the ingredients have BIO qualification.100% natural ingredients include: 

  • Ylang-ylang
  • Jasminum
  • Santalum
  • Vetiveriae
  • Rose
  • Dianthus
  • Pogostemon patchouli
  • etc.

Theme of the Essence

Love and trust in ourselves. Blossom.
From time to time we have to build ourselves up again. Just like nature does with seasons. There are chapters which close and new ones begin at the same. We can consider and review our experiences and make decisions.
We gladly step over the tight, outgrown, overworn thinking, habits and self-limitations. We have built the tallest walls out of the knowledge that we are vulnerable…
It is a holy and sacred celebration when we realize that these walls have taken away the opportunity to truly become one with ourselves. We want to live and not to be afraid. We want to live truly from our heart. Love is the motivation in the soul of every human, the greatest energy catalysator. Rózsavér is the fragrance of life full of hope.
The fragrance of the ever present energy of Love. It is about the way during which we become initiated but neither the way nor the experience are the same.
There are no firsts and lasts. When we understand this and can forgive ourselves, then we become the space where judgment-free acceptance exists. This acceptance is not victimization, suffering, remorse but love and the knowing that everything happens in our world in a way that is the best for us. The energy of this space can be healing. Silence is also good here. When we stop judging ourselves then we will not judge others.
Rózsavér is the quality of the allowing, the accepting and the judgment-free love towards every living thing. When we love ourselves in the light of experience instead of what we think we should be.

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