Salvia sclarea
Clary Sage
Cultivation: bio
Certificate: EUOrganic
Historical reports on its medicinal use can be traced back to Theophrastus (4th century BC) and Dioscorides (1st century BC) in his work Materia medicina. The name Salvia sclarea comes from the Latin word "clarus", meaning "clear". The herb has been used for centuries to treat eye infections. In the Middle Ages, it was held in high esteem under the name "Oculus Christi", that is, the eye of Christ. The sage of Muscat is a highly prized panacea. It has a strong antibacterial effect and prevents the spread of infections caused by bacteria. Studies have shown that its extract is an active natural antimicrobial, antiseptic and also supports epileptic seizures. With its estrogenic properties, it supports women's health and especially takes care of the reproductive system. According to scientific studies, it has a very beneficial effect on abdominal pain, uterine cavity bleeding, and even prevents the development of uterine tumors. It calms nervous tension, restlessness, dizziness and depression, i.e. it is an antidepressant.
Its main features in brief:
- Antispasmodic, antibacterial, astringent, tonic, wound infections, acne
- Regulates the female cycle, relieves painful menstruation - premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, amenorrhoea, dysmenorrhoea, uterine tumors -
- High blood pressure, headache, epileptic seizures, stimulation of digestion,
- Prevention of hair loss, loosening of gums, vision loss/cataracts
- Psychological effects: relaxing, calming, stabilizing, antidepressant, uplifting, inspiring.
- To alleviate unresolved tensions and fears, repressed energies, insomnia, despair, stiffness